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Author: Weston Barnes

You do not have to consider yourself stylish to have a style. What works best for you is your personal style, whether you try to cultivate a look or not. Your style can even simply be described as practical. So when you choose travel gear, you want something that fits your look, if that’s how you define style, or perhaps you want something that is practical, if your style is more of your way of living. Luckily, designs in duffle bags for men can meet any of these demands.


You may only think of duffle bags as the bland gym bags that held your hockey equipment or workout gear in your youth, but there are many options for duffle bags that meet your adult personal style and needs. One look at a group of the top duffle bag styles gives you an idea of how varied the designs can actually be. You can compare styles side by side at Dalys 1895 to start the decision-making process.

The first and most noticeable options are the wide variety of fabrics. You no longer only have to choose one color of matte canvas, unless that is exactly the simple style you prefer. Waxed canvas is an option for travel with a canvas bag that is more durable and has more of a finish. Waxed canvas is great if you are going for a casual look. PVC fabric is the best choice for a bag that will experience a lot of abuse in cargo holds or on camping expeditions. If you are a more traditional kind of guy, leather duffle bags for men are the best fabric option for you. They require a little more care than other fabrics, but are also more traditional and professional if needed.

Pockets and Compartments

If you are going for a simple, no-frills style, the classic duffle bag design of one large zipped compartment is still going to work for you. However, you can choose a more practical design that includes compartments for organizing your belongings. Some duffle bag designs include large outer pockets, giving it almost a messenger bag style, and giving you options for storage if you are carrying this bag regularly or are using it for an extended trip. You can give off a professional impression with the right black leather, zipped-compartment duffle bag.

Size and Straps

On a practical level, if you plan to use your duffle bag for air travel, be sure to check the carry-on bag size requirements. On a style level, you can choose a size that is smaller for a casual impression or a larger bag that simply reflects your requirements for a trip or gear. Duffle bags for men can include the traditional long handles on either side of the zipper or a long strap that allows you to cross your body with the handle and keep your arms free. Some bags use smaller handles, more reminiscent of a briefcase, which is ideal for a more professional setting like business travel.

Mix and Match for Your Style

There aren’t many fashion rules for duffle bags. Mix a traditional fabric with a non-traditional strap if it is the look you want. Whether you are set on the traditional canvas duffle bag or are interested in the look that leather provides, you can find a duffle bag design that meets your needs and fits your style.

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