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Author: adim

A financial analyst is a person that takes care of company’s financial statements, capitals, accounts, extracts reports with the use of data, present these reports to the company’s management and assists in taking important decision for the future of the company.

These professionals are the in-house financial analyst who is normally found in many companies. However, not all the companies need to have such kind of analyst for their business as a permanent member of the team. This is because it completely depends on the size of the company and the affordability of the company for hiring such professionals.

The in-house analyst will generally evaluate the company’s budget and also its department. After this, the professionals compare it with the spending and the salaries to know if the company is on the right track or not. They also check abnormalities in the balances and carry out the financial forecast for the next year.

Another kind of financial analyst is to the sell-side analyst. This kind of analyst normally works for brokerage firms. In such kind of jobs, the analyst will have to offer their advice on the situations. These analyst offer recommendations about whether the client company must or must not buy or sell. This advice is normally based on their research.

In this, there is one difference between two kinds of analyst that is buy-side and sell-side analysts. This is because the analyst will not directly be employed through the company that needs the analysis. This kind of analyst will also do marketing as a part of their job. This means that the analyst knows how to sell themselves and their services so that the companies pick them.

The buy-side analyst is the one that researches about all the alternatives of investment available on the market. This helps their clients to make the best investment. This kind of analyst work with mutual, pension and hedge funds. However, they can also handle investment portfolios for individual clients that are very rich.

Now, that you have an idea about various kinds of a financial analyst and their role, it becomes simple for you to know what kind of analyst will be suitable for your business. Just, make sure that you hire the analyst that are well experienced and qualified for the job. You should never make the mistake of hiring the analyst that you come across first. There are chances that the analyst will not be well qualified for the work!

William De Leon is in the industry of marketing. He is an professional in inbound marketing and lead generation.

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