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Author: Jeneth Andersson

People find comfort in erecting memorials to those they love. Whether it be honoring servicemen and servicewomen who have fallen in the line of duty, remembering those who have changed the face of the nation or the planet, or honoring loved ones, from the beginning of time memorials have been erected for the dead. Unless you run a mortuary, engraved bricks and pavers in memorial might seem like an odd offering, but you’d be surprised how many people will be interested in honoring those close to their heart in this manner.

Religious Organizations

It was common practice for ages to bury the dead in the church graveyard, and some cultures still do this today. While you may not want your parishioners burying their loved ones on the church or temple grounds, you can offer them a way to express their sorrow with engraved brick pavers. Build a walkway with memorial pavers for those in your congregation who have passed. This will give your worshippers a chance to remember their loved ones after each service. It will also bring in much-needed donations to your organization to help support your ministry and its community outreach programs.

Arts and Culture

Many people love to donate to their local arts and culture scene, and you can offer a memorial walkway or wall to list the names of past patrons. Engraved bricks and pavers can be laid out in a beautiful pattern on the ground, as a wall, surrounding an external implement, such as a statue or fountain, or an internal implement such as a stairway. Engraved brick pavers can fetch your art or cultural center as much as $1,000 a brick. These are an effective way to hold a fundraiser for your next monetary need, and when you offer them in the form of a memorial, you tug at constituents’ heartstrings.

Other Applications

Businesses and nonprofits of any type can also use engraved bricks and pavers to raise money while giving supporters an outlet for their grief. Perhaps your company has been in business for a long time, and previous owners and partners have passed. Honor them and their legacy in building your company with a memorial somewhere in your headquarters. A memorial works for those who have fallen in their public service, such as police officers and fire fighters. Of course, memorial engraved brick pavers are also a wonderful way to raise money for any nonprofit organization’s cause.

Why These Work

A positive way to express grief and encourage remembrance is why engraved bricks and pavers in memorial work. People want to honor the dead and they have so since the beginning of time. Giving recognition to a loved one who has passed resonates on an emotional and spiritual level. Doing so makes people feel better about themselves, and this helps relieve grief. When others see the memorial, it reminds them of those they’ve lost, and brings them to a place of remembrance and love. They, too, become inclined to want engraved brick pavers honoring their dead, and this raises additional awareness and funds for your religious organization, business or nonprofit organization.Visit at for more info.

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